Home » The US approves sending F-16s to Ukraine from Denmark and Netherlands

The US approves sending F-16s to Ukraine from Denmark and Netherlands

by Abdul Hadi
US approve sending F16 to ukraine from denmark and Netherland

The US approves sending F-16s to Ukraine from Denmark and the Netherlands to defend against Russia.

The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has guaranteed Denmark and the Netherlands that the Biden organization will speed up the endorsement of move demands for F-16s preparing for pilots.

F16 fighter jet

WASHINGTON, Aug 17 (Reuters) – The US has endorsed sending F-16 warrior planes to Ukraine from Denmark and the Netherlands to shield against Russian intruders when pilot preparation is finished, a U.S. official said on Thursday.

US approves sending F-16s to Ukraine

Ukraine has effectively looked for the U.S.- made F-16 contender planes to assist it with countering Russian air prevalence.

The authority said that Washington gave Denmark and the Netherlands official affirmations that the US would speed up the endorsement of move demands for F-16s to go to Ukraine when the pilots are prepared.

F16s send to ukraine

US approves sending F-16s to Ukraine Welcomed by Denmark and Netherlands

“We welcome Washington’s choice to prepare for sending F-16 contender planes to Ukraine,” Dutch Unfamiliar Priest Wopke Hoekstra said on informing stage X, previously known as Twitter.

“Presently, we will additionally examine the subject with our European accomplices.”

Denmark additionally said furnishing Ukraine with the planes would now be talked about.

“The public authority has said a few times that a gift is a characteristic subsequent stage in the wake of preparing. We are examining it with close partners, and I expect we can before long be more concrete about that,” Danish safeguard serve Jakob Ellemann-Jensen told news office Ritzau on Friday.


An alliance of 11 nations will begin preparing Ukrainian pilots to fly the F-16 warrior streams not long from now in Denmark, the Danish Guard Service said on Friday.

The nation’s acting Safeguard Clergyman Troels Poulsen said in July that the nation wanted to see “results” from the preparation in mid-2024.

NATO individuals Denmark and the Netherlands have been driving global endeavors to prepare pilots as well as care staff, keep up with airplanes and at last, empower Ukraine to acquire F-16s for use in its conflict with Russia.


Dutch Head of the State Imprint Rutte in May said the Netherlands was genuinely considering giving Ukraine F-16s, as it is as of now getting rid of the contender jets from its own military.

As per figures from the Dutch protection service, the Netherlands right now has 24 functional F-16s which will be gradually gotten rid of by mid-2024. One more 18 of the planes are presently ready to move, of which 12 have been temporarily sold.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken sent letters to his Danish and Dutch partners guaranteeing them that the solicitations would be endorsed, the U.S. official said.

“I’m writing to communicate the US’s full help for both the exchange of F-16 contender airplane to Ukraine and for the preparation of Ukrainian pilots by qualified F-16 teachers,” Blinken said in a letter to the two authorities, a duplicate of which was seen by Reuters.

Blinken said, “It stays basic that Ukraine can protect itself against progressing Russian hostility and infringement of its sway.”

He said the endorsement of the solicitations would permit Ukraine to take “full benefit of its new capacities when the primary arrangement of pilots finishes their preparation.”

U.S. President Joe Biden supported preparing programs for Ukrainian pilots on F-16s in May. As well as preparing in Denmark, an instructional hub was to be set up in Romania.

Kyiv can not work U.S.- constructed F-16 warrior streams this approaching harvest time and winter, Ukraine flying corps representative Yuriy Ihnat told Ukrainian TV late on Wednesday.

U.S. authorities have secretly said that F-16 planes would have been of little assistance to Ukraine in its ongoing counteroffensive and won’t be a unique advantage when they in the end show up given Russian air guard frameworks and challenged skies over Ukraine.

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